söndag 6 juni 2010


Pluggar just nu mitt favoritämne: american culture. Har lärt mig mycket idag och har fått många nya idéer, framförallt av Marabel Morgan. Hon har skrivit en liten lista över hur man som kvinna ska kunna fullfill your husband.

1. Accept your husband just as he is. Write out two lists - one of his faults and one of his virtues. Take a long, hard look at his faults and then throw the list away; don´t ever dwell on them again. Only think about his virtues. Carry that list with you and refer to it when you´re mad, sad or glad.

2. Admire your husband every day. Refer to his virtue list if you need a place to start. Say something nice about his body everyday. Put his tattered ego together with complement.

3. Adapt to his way of life. Accept his friends, food and life-style as your own. Ask him to write the six most important changes he´d like to see take place in your home. Read the list in private, react in private and then set out to accomplish these changes with a smile. Be a Yes! Let´s woman some time of every day.

4. Apreciate all he does for you. Sincerely tell hom"Thank you" with your attitudes, actions and words. Give him your undivided attention, and try not to make any phonecalls after he comes home; especially after 8.00 PM.

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